Blocking Fixture for FP-2260 according to ASTM D3354
Diese Folienblockiervorrichtung von Thwing-Albert wurde entwickelt, um die ASTM D3354 Blockierprüfung von Kunststofffolien mit dem FP-22260 Reibungs- und Abziehprüfgerät zu erfüllen.
Eigenschaft: Reibung - Reibungsprüfgeräte
The Thwing-Albert Friction/Peel Tester is the most versatile testing instrument for measuring the coefficient of friction, peel strength, and seal strength of flexible plastic films, paper, sheet materials, labels, tapes, adhesives and textile materials.
The inclusion of the Film Blocking Fixture is designed to meet ASTM D3354 Blocking Testing of Plastic Film and ASTM D918 Blocking Resistance of Paper and Paperboard.
Blocking is the unwanted adhesion between layers of plastic film, paper or paperboard. Results reflect the ability of a material to adhere to itself when pulled apart. The results demonstrate the degree of blocking that exists as a result of factors including film processing, storage, temperature and pressure.
Blocking Load by Parallel Plate Method Sample
- Using two lightweight blocks, the two layers of film are inserted between them
- One layer of film is attached to the upper block and the other layer is attached to the lower block
- The upper and lower block are slowly separated
- The film layers are then pulled apart at a constant speed until separated
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